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Our Vision

Lot's of times, we are asked why we put on a Gang Show every year. This is a very important question and difficult to answer precisely, but in February 1995, fifty members of the Gang (covering all departments, some senior cast and the Production and Management Teams) got together and produced our Gang Show Vision. Here it is ...

Our Vision

To be a bright, strong, successful Cumberland Gang Show, continuing to provide top quality entertainment to our audiences, a fantastic learning experience for our young people, and great PR for Scouting and Guiding; and above all, to have fun doing it.

In essence, there are four parts to this, (in no particular order).

  • Gang Show is entertainment and like many things in life, if it's worth doing, it's worth doing well. Gang Show is all about continually striving to put on the best show we have ever done, nothing less, in every respect.

  • Gang Show is a training activity - to train others and to continue to learn ourselves. The show concentrates particularly on providing training in theatrical arts activities, just as another section of Scouting might provide specialist training in air activities, or rock climbing, or water activities. When you think of the range of activities involved - singing, acting, dancing, performing musically, production, designing scenery or costumes, technical effects, set construction, lighting, audio, make-up, wardrobe manufacture (just to name a few!) - this part of the training role of the Show becomes clear. Many members of the Gang found that the skills they learned in Gang Show led to lifetime hobbies or careers in areas related to the performing arts. But that's not the only training we do. Gang Show also provides the sort of training that Baden Powell had in mind for the overall aim of Scouting and Guiding. If that aim can be summed up as character development, then Gang Show has much to offer - to build teamwork and discipline, to encourage self-confidence, to strive for success and to help others. This is what Scouting and Gang Show is all about.

  • Gang Show is very much a Public Relations exercise. Lots of people who see our Show have little 
    or no connection with Scouting or Guiding, and Gang Show invariably creates a positive public relations face in the community. Our aim is to make every show a great advertisement that Scouting and Guiding is alive and well today and creating great opportunities and training for young people, and hence encouraging them to become Scouts and Guides.

  • Finally, although Gang Show is only part of our involvement in Scouting and Guiding, it seems to do more than any other single activity to enthuse us for all that the Movements have to offer. This is evidenced by the number of Queen's Scouts and Queen's Guides who are or were Gang members. For members of the Gang, parents and supporters alike, Gang Show is a great morale booster. In short, Gang Show is FUN!

So, that's why we appear year after year!!